We have a solution for every size and type of business!
Looking to understand your business scores & ratings?
Free Includes:
✔ See risk range indicators for four scores & ratings:
✔ Summary information of legal events and business operations
✔ Basic company information
✔ Scores, ratings, inquiries, alerts & notifications, both in app and/or via email
✔ Payment history summary
✔ Financial ratios
✔ Number of Inquiries* on your business with new inquiry alerts
✔ Integrate your business bank account (powered by Plaid)
Or $499/year (save $89 with annual billing)
Looking to monitor your business credit profile?
Everything in Free, Plus:
✔ 24/7 access to view six actual scores & ratings:
✔ Detailed legal events: Suits, Liens, Judgments, UCC filings
✔ Organizational family tree
✔ Historical trends of your credit scores & ratings
✔ Detailed payment history (Detailed history of past “payment experiences” and "trade lines" summarized by industry.)
✔ Financials (View a financial statement comparison, income statement, balance sheet and financial ratios.)
✔ Details of Inquiries on your business with new inquiry alerts
✔ Dark web monitoring powered by Flashpoint** (Includes up to three of your selected business email addresses.)
Or $1,499/year (save $289 with annual billing)
Looking to build your business credit profile†?
Everything in Free and Basic, Plus:
✔ Dark web monitoring powered by Flashpoint** (Includes up to five of your selected business email addresses.)
✔ Insights on Other (Review and compare your business's scores and ratings alongside up to five chosen companies.)
✔ Extended Data – Provide Documentation† (Upload regular termed payments, business banking statements or financial statements for possible inclusion into your business credit file or scores and ratings.)
To speak with a small business solutions expert
Concierge Service available