Accelerate Revenue with AI and Predictive

D&B Lattice Predictive ABM Programs Accelerate Revenue

For any large B2B company, maximizing customer lifetime value is critical. That’s because it costs 5x as much to secure a new customer than it does to sell more to an existing customer.

For manufacturers and distributors that often have a small target account universe, major focus for sales and marketing teams revolves around cross-sell and up-sell plays that increase their share of wallet from their existing customer base.

In this eBook we'll walk through five ways that predictive analytics and AI can enable companies to dramatically accelerate their revenue by increasing share of wallet.

  1. Achieve sales transformation by moving from transactional to consultative welling
  2. Find revenue opportunity with value added services
  3. Drive revenue with effective omnichannel digital strategies
  4. Acquire loyal high-fit customers for life
  5. Shift purchases to private label products

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