Dun & Bradstreets credit rating scale facilitates clearcut decisions

We rate companies on their creditworthiness

Check your rating on our webshop

We rate companies on their creditworthiness The accuracy of our credit rating system helps you say yes to more businesses and no to losses. The credit rating is based on data from among others Erhvervs- & Selskabsstyrelsen and CVR-registret. All information is analysed against more than 2.400 decision rules, and presented in the form of a rating ranging from AAA being the best, to a C rating being the worst.

AAA – Highest Creditworthiness

A company with an exceedingly strong abillity to meet current payment obligations.

AA – Good Creditworthiness

A company with a good ability to meet current payment obligations.

A – Creditworthy

A company with sufficient ability to meet current payment obligations.

NY – Newly started companies

Newly established company. There is no negative information regarding the company’s solvency. The company’s further progress should be closely monitored.

B – Credit against security

Credit risk. The company’s ability to meet current payment obligations is estimated weak.

C – Credit advised against

High credit risk. The company’s ability to meet current payment obligations is estimated to be very poor.

IR - Cannot be rated

Significant information regarding the company is mis¬sing or outdated. Banks, insurance companies, Investment companies etc. also receive this rating.

AAA Webshop

Check your company rating and buy the rating products that suit's your needs the most.

  • Rating Diploma with or without a frame to the showcase in the office
  • Daily updated live rating logo to use on your website
  • Rating logos for use on print, web and social media